Summer 2011 - This is a brand new blog for anyone interested in gardening in Uinta County, Wyoming. The Master Gardeners are the blog authors, but everyone in the community is invited to participate by following the blog, subscribing to posts by e-mail and making comments on the posts. Also, we’d like to publish pictures and gardening anecdotes from anyone in the community who’d like to share them. Contact us on this secure form and we’ll get in touch with you.


About the Master Gardeners

Gardening in Uinta County can be a very challenging undertaking, but it can also be very rewarding and beneficial.  Each winter the University of Wyoming Cooperative Extension Service offers the Master Gardener Program here in Uinta County.  The Master Gardener program is a great place to learn for people with varying degrees of gardening experience, from beginners to veterans.

The Master Gardener Program provides sound, research-based, regionally appropriate horticultural information:
  • Basic Botany
  • Entomology
  • Soil Science
  • Pesticide Safety
  • Appropriate plant materials
  • Diagnosis of plant problems
  • Solutions for diagnosed problems
  • Proper plant care, including fertilization, pruning, watering, and propagation practices
  • General information about growing seasons, proper planting techniques, plant selection considerations, and year-round yard care.
The classes are full of great content, and participants also learn from each other. The University of Wyoming Cooperative Extension Educator is in charge of leading the training sessions, with support from state and local specialists.

Upon completion of the MG training classes, participants who complete 40 hours of service become "Master Gardeners."  To maintain this designation, they need to complete 20 hours yearly - 12 service and 8 education.  There are many ways to complete service and education hours, including posting to this blog. 

Participation in the Uinta County Master Gardener Club provides many opportunities for both service and education.  For example, club members organize and present gardening workshops and classes for the community, participate in gardening service opportunities in the community, write gardening articles for the newspaper, attend gardening workshops, and hold plant exchanges.